Electronics metal neon blue

Electronics metal neon blue Choose a gift to order, for example Purchase vouchers worth € 400. Choose from the current menu.

Materiál metal ×
Farba neon blue ×

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1 variants

Wireless 3W Bluetooth® speaker with backlit logo, antimicrobial coating and dual audio output for unmatched sound quality in speakers this size. The speaker can be tilted to guide sound in any direction. It has a built-in microphone and conference call function. Capacity. Frequency. Sound output: 1 × 3 W. Impedance: 4 Ω. Bluetooth® 4.2. Size: ∅ 50 mm × 45 mm. Supplied in a gift box with magnetic closure, made of recycled paper.

Brand: SCX design
Parameter: 4,5 x Ø 5 cm
material: metal, rubber, ABS, mix of materials
Color: black, red, blue, reflective, neon blue
Decoration: Laser engraving